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Mike –
From: Miriam
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025, 03:03
Subject: The second publication of “The Corruption Whistleblower” edition
Dear Editor,
Friends from Australia sent me the first edition of your excellent newsletter. I am amazed at the courage of your contributors and the refreshing Truth which jumps off each page.
Thank you for the incredible work and research which has gone into all that has been written. The truth of Isaiah 5.20-21 has been proved over and over and you are fearless in proclaiming this.
Thank you too for including an article, information and videos about the work of my colleague and friend Wilfred Wong who has just completed his 4th year in prison in England, now silenced from speaking out against crimes against children and vulnerable young people, particularly in the area of Satanic Ritual Abuse.
I live in Ireland and would like to order the second edition of ‘The Corruption Whistleblower’ and if possible have it posted to my address. I would cover the cost of course.
My address: Miriam: Ireland.
Thank you again for all you do in this heartbreaking battle to save our children worldwide.
Yours sincerely,