Department of Sex Abuse SA

The dept of child ‘protection’ (DCP) is a $ multi-billion per year child trafficking operation.

The fact that this is headline news in Adelaide’s propaganda rag today is proof of how rife the abuse actually is.

Thousands upon thousands are ‘stolen’ each year under the guise of the absolute inversion of the notion of ‘protection.’ Currently 4500 children in SA alone.

This has been going on for hundreds of years. Beginning with the wholesale slaughter of original parents and children at colonialism. Followed by the stolen generation(s); heinous abuse in several orphanages and institutions over past decades – including the Glandore Boys Home and Goodwood Orphanage where my mass murdering father took many of his victims. And continuing today where every child, whatever the race, is a potential target of the DCP in this country.

‘ …almost 50 people were charged in relation to sexual offences against children in state care over the past year – two of which resulted in pregnancies.’

Amidst this horror show, a child ‘protection’ exec is on ‘personal leave’.

In April 2019 the Australian Law Reform Commission recommended that the family law court be disbanded – the mechanism via which much of this wholesale abuse and slaughter of children is facilitated. Yet no reforms have taken place.

The other recent headlines that I have included in this post give an idea of how sick Adelaide is.

South Australia – the paedophile state.

But not for much longer.

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